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Avancerad nivå (Magister- och Masterexamen)

Gender Studies - Intersectionality and Change, Master´s Programme, Distance

120 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2025 se detaljer
120 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2025 se detaljer

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2025

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Om utbildningen

Become an agent for change This one-of-a-kind masters programme makes you highly skilled in analysing how social and cultural change can be initiated or sustained by integrating a critical understanding of gender and intersectionality. The programme focusses on intersectional gender, i.e gender and its interplay with other social categorisations and power differentials such as ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, age, and (dis)ability. If you are attracted by the idea of challenging existing norms and structures in society this is the programme for you. A key ambition is to develop an understanding of the links between activism, theory, professional development and career paths. Students taking the programme usually have a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds, for example in sociology, teaching, psychology, political science, and business administration. The programme is offered as a one year option, 60 credits, or a two-year option, 120 credits. To give you the latest update on current research, we invite you to take part in seminars at the internationally renowned Unit for Gender Studies. This is one of the largest interdisciplinary research and teaching units for intersectional gender studies in the Nordic countries. The programme combines online distance education with three mandatory on-campus gatherings per academic year. You will interact with your teachers and fellow programme members in a digital classroom. The forms of instruction, which are based primarily on the use of the internet, place greater demands on your own activity than a purely campus-based programme. Future opportunities You will be equipped for a career in higher education and research as well as professional work with intersectional gender in organisations, media, communication and politics. This programme is also appropriate for you who want to boost your current career through further training within gender work.

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Kandidatexamen 180 hp inom samhällsvetenskap eller humaniora eller motsvarande Engelska 6 Undantag ges för svenska

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